Don't you ever talk shit about Coldplay. It'll be your last day on earth. Huge Arctic Monkeys fan here. Crazy Inception fan. Don't you ever say that cartoons and anime are only for kids. I read a lot, I game a lot, I play a lot, I'm a movie buff, I listen to music 24/7. So WHAT? I have messy hair, what's it to you?

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: Year End Blog

Finally writing the End of The Year blog. Was too lazy to write but hey, this is my tradition. Writing End of the Year blog since years.

2011, a year of ups and downs. A year in which I showed all these emotions. :|

Right from,
Fuck Yeah.
Challenge Accepted.
Problem? :D
Not bad.
True Story.
Everything went better than expected.
Okay :(
Forever Alone :'(
Y U NO? :x
But I'll stop here :P
2011 has been an year of Gibberish blogs too -.-

Moving on :|


Compared to 2010, 2011 was not quite good for movies. Saw around 83 movies (had seen around 107 movies last year *record* ahem) but didnt come across movies like Inception, Toy Story...EPIC movies. Pixar also disappointed this year with Cars 2. Superhero movies like Thor, X Men First Class were :D . Sequels like Kung Fu Panda 2 was "AWESOME",Hangover 2 was blah. PoTC4 was just good. Transformers3 was shit. 2011 also marked the end of Harry Potter movies. It didnt end with a BANG, it ended silently :S Well all HP movies from HBP have been silent, but well directed too. Movies like Sucker Punch and Source Code were good. Came across epic movies like ZNMD and TinTin. In the end, Don 2 was just as good as the first one.

Top movies of 2011:

5) Delhi Belly (way better than expected and very (link))
4) X Men First Class (Not a major X Men fan, but this was pretty good)
3) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Directed by Brad Bird (Director of some of the greatest Pixar movies and many episodes of The Simpsons) People expected this to be shit, but c'mon its BRAD BIRD. And this movie was THRILLING!!!)
2) The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (Its Tintin. Nuff said.)
1) Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (Blew my mind! Wanted to LIVE LIFE after seeing the movie. Inspired me.)

Also saw some great movies like Moon, Buried, 127 Hours ,Black Swan, The King's Speech, Fast Five, Blade Runner, Dum Maaro Dum, and many more :|


ok...its 10:35pm now...


2009 was an year of anime. 2010 was an year of movies. 2011 was an year of MUSIC :D
Continuing from where I left in 2010, this year I traveled deeper into rock music. Got more into "non-mainstream" music. After exploring for a while, I finally found my "place" in music too :D
Came across many good bands like The Ramones, Magazine, Neu, Grizzly Bear, The xx.Listened to Galaxie 500, Thee Oh Sees, Gabin, Beach House and much more. But the best new band I discovered in 2011...

Came across a song The Plains_Bitter Dance in someone's FB profile, and I immediately loved it. Fleet Foxes was new to me. I had never heard much folk before too. You could really imagine a rural, town/village surrounded by vast mountains and forests while listening to this :D

Yes. I had never heard Led Zeppelin before except for Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir. Started listening to them after hearing The Battle of Evermore. (Actually I came across a Mandolin cover of the song in Youtube) Became a fan of the band in December only :|

and then....
some of my favorite bands released new albums this year...starting with:

Radiohead: The King of Limbs.
They did it again with something different...yet again :D

The Strokes: Angles
Ok album...with some good songs.

Arctic Monkeys: Suck it and See.
Great album. But after they released their album, they kinda went crazy.

and then...
after a long wait...
after many delays...
Coldplay: Mylo Xyloto :D
First song from the album I hears was Every Teardrop is a Waterfall in July, when they released it along with Major Minus and Moving to Mars. My first reaction before listening to the song was :D x10. Then....30 seconds in the song...I was like o.O . Coldplay? :S SYNTH! But the song became me favourite...it PUMPS YOU UP BABY!!! Heard the live versions of Charlie Brown, Hurts like Heaven too in July. Then Paradise was released during September, and it was "OH YEAH!". (and the song released at the right time as well.)

They released their album finally in October. Perfect Diwali gift (and again...perfect time. Right after an unforgettable Sanklalp 2011 launch.)
A Concept album, ambient, more guitar, and more group-ish songs , MX was really worth the wait. I was in Mylo Xyloto mode for 2 months after than :P


I got a Fender Squier BulletStrat (Sunburst) along with a Roland Cube 20xl amp for my birthday (belated birthday present :D). I have a Fender baby :D My guitar journey continuing smoothly :| Learnt some new techniques...practiced less this year (well....very little after September.) But there aint a day I dont play my guitar :P
I still havent made many of my own music...but I kept trying. 2012 includes one resolution: Make your own music :|

Even recorded a song in the studio in the month of May!!
Musically, 2011 was an awesome year :D

exactly 11:00pm now. Feeling good. Listening to The National and Grizzly Bear. And its so cold, so cold...(that song always pops in my mind :|)


2011 was an year of tv shows. Saw How I Met Your Mother Season 1-6 many many many times. And I kept on relating my life to the series again and again :| True Story.

Saw The Big Bang Theory Season 1-4 many many many times. Hated it. Dont know why I kept on seeing it.

Just finished two novels this year. Fear the Worst and The Good Guy. Both were good thrillers. And again, inspired me to keep on writing. I wrote the prelude of "Suspicion" after reading these two books. I wrote "The Wrong Road" (the type of story I really like to write :P) Currently, I am writing a new one. Havent decided on the name. But its inspired by Baccano, the anime. Dont know when I will finish it.

Also read half novels like The Paris Enigma, The Somnambulist, The Godfather, Taken, Cell, and The Hobbit (Awesome book. Will finish it soon :D).


2011 started with Winter Fiesta and Baazigar. Totally enjoyed doing business for 12 hours or more than that :P Without anything going wrong. Then Picnic to Mt.Abu (fun fun fun). (My :| Not a good year for Rebecca Black :P)

2011 was an year of more responsibility. Sankalp 2011- Colours of Emotions. My second year of Sankalp, and it was better than the last year. Had the "greatest team ever" and the time working with those guys will be unforgettable. Worked our asses of for almost 3 months. In this time, I even got to be a part of making a short film (kinda :S) , stop motion animation thingy. I got my hands on spray cans as well. (perfect timing) Got to make graffiti too :D

So on concrete canvas under cover of dark
On a concrete canvas, I go making my mark
Armed with the spray can soul
I'll be armed with the spray can soul

11:35pm now....

What else?

INDIA WON THE FUCKING WORLD CUP! The whole country went crazy for a month. Had a feeling from the start that India would definitely reach the finals. and they even WON IT! After and durin the semis, the whole country stopped working. And mass bunks was normal in colleges :P

College life has been good. Had a good group. No have. Had. AHH! Its something like a "coming of age hindi movie flick now" :S

Made new friends. Friends became best friends too :)

2011 was an year of negativity too. Mainly because of two reasons. But when I think of it, these two reasons are also the reason why 2011 was so awesome as well :|

2011 was an year of long hair.

Year of becoming more crazy and weird as well :P

It was an year of troll faces and internet memes.

An year of shitty viral songs :|

Death of Osama and Gadaffi.

Had an accident as well this year. Not serious.

Wasnt an year for anime :|

an year where Fb changed alot :|
and Google+ flopped :|

Wasnt an year of gaming as well.

It rained a lot :|

Navratri was good.

Diwali was way better :D

..and well...that's pretty much I can think of right now.

OMG! It's already New Year!!

Final thoughts on 2011. Good and bad. Happy and Sad.

2012 is here.
We made it ;)

*Damn! Something is up with my blog. I edit it and it doesnt get saved :S*